
Posts Tagged ‘personalised programs’

Personal Training – on a whole new level

April 9, 2010 2 comments

In 2008, I got myself a personal trainer. Why? I knew I needed support and someone there to push me when it comes to exercising. And, having to pay money for that also tends to push you to your limits! Besides going to the gym to attend the group exercise programs available, I knew I needed someone to give me the added variety in my program – yes, because I get bored very easily, especially when it comes to exercising. I loved the results – not so much that I lost lots of weight, because I didn’t and really, that wasn’t the aim. I felt physically stronger, the way I ate changed – I became more aware of how much and what I eat without depriving myself of the foods I still love, and I wasn’t tired all the time.

2009 was a totally different story. No personal training, no gyms, no exercise – at all. Now, that really took a toll on my general health and well-being. So, in 2010, I decided, this is it. I had to do something with my health. I joined the Mass Attack programme, which taught me about the different foods available and how much of each type I can eat. It also taught me about my hormones – especially now, since I’m reaching 35, how they have changed and the nutrients I’m lacking. Then, I started doing my walks. And then occasional running incorporated into the walks – lets just say, it did change how my body felt. It felt good.

Now, I’m thinking of having a personalised programme drawn up for me, without having to go the gym. Then I heard about Glow Women’s Fitness Online. An online personal trainer! Imagine that!

Devised by taekwondo champion, Michelle Hex, the Glow programs include:

  • regularly updated programs
  • easy to follow eating plans
  • an interactive journal
  • weekly progress reports
  • monthly progress reports
  • community blog to interact with other members
  • phone & email support with Michelle as needed.

What more can we ask for? You have a choice of her 12 or 4 week programs or even the Ready-to-Go programs! Now, that’s something I would love to include in my exercise regime.